Queensland P76 Owners Club Inc. 2012 |
June Run to Nobby by Ann Mallon
- Richard and I set off at 8.45am on a sunny but very cold Sunday in June for our monthly club run in the Targa.
- We stopped and filled with petrol and were pleased that the price per litre had dropped since the previous week.
- I always take a deep breath as the pumps keeping going and going and going when we fill the V8 and know that it will churn out the fuel quicker than our other vehicles.
- We tried two different air pumps to pump up the tyres but neither were working.
- As we headed down Hope Island Road we saw about 15 minis turning from Dreamworld Drive into Hope Island Road and wondered where they would be heading so early in the morning.
- We passed a VW in really good condition; saw a speed camera on the side of the road and pretty much had the M1 to ourselves.
- I travel this road each day for work and it is always chocker so it was pleasant setting the cruise control and staying in one lane.
- As we approached Ipswich I was worried that we would take a wrong turn to get onto the Warrego Highway due to road works.
- I did a work trip to Esk late last year and missed the turn off and it took me quite some time and distance to get back there. However, the highway is all but finished and it is well sign posted and very easy to find the Warrego Highway - what a breeze and here I was worrying about nothing.
- We arrived at Black Soil and Rogo and Pat were there waiting for us as planned in their Targa.
- The air temp was still cold and I was pleased I threw in a jacket. We had morning tea, chatted and laughed.
- This was our meeting place to convoy to Nobby and since no one else arrived so we headed off at 10.45am with Rogo taking the lead.
- We noticed quite a few Harleys on the road and all were wearing leathers against the cold but the sun was still shining.
- The more inland we went the cooler it was.
- We bypassed Toowoomba and drove via Gatton.
- At one point of the trip, we cruised down a hill and the scenery was spectacular with farms, hills and a small community at the base.
- Rogo pulled over just before Hatton Vale to click his bonnet down.
- Lucky we were in P76s otherwise his bonnet may have flown up and caused a very nasty accident - great safety design on these cars.
- Gatton is surrounded by horse farms and stables and we saw an indoor equestrian centre there as well.
- There were also a lot of fresh fruit and vege stalls out this way but very difficult getting my driver to stop and get some - came home empty handed.
- As we cruised past the little villages of Ma Ma Creek and Mt Whitestone the air temperature cooled considerably.
- Ma Ma Creek consists of a school, cemetery, stone church and café which was all rather cute.
- Mt Whitestone only has a wooden church and a small school.
- We had to stop at traffic lights for road works in the middle of nowhere so waited on the red light to turn green which took ages.
- Part of the road had slipped down the hill and it was a long way down.
- It was probably caused by all the rain over the past months. We continued along a narrow winding mountain road for 2 km which was bumpy, had 4 one lane bridges and had no road markings.
- Was hoping we didn't strike a truck coming the other way but all was okay.
- Part of the road went through a hill and they had literally cut the road through it.
- Both side were straight rock and rose high - quite spectacular.
- I am not sure that a rock climber could have traversed it.
- We also saw a couple having a cuppa in a picnic area and they looked at the twin Targas cruising past.
- I am sure it is not a common sight out that way at all.
- The Darling Downs Zoo is a feature out this way but we didn't stop. There were a lot of vehicles in the car park though.
- I saw tall cacti trees growing along the side of the road, windmills in paddocks and a lot of very tired run down houses.
- Maybe this is a sign of the economy.
- We arrived in Nobby which is very small and parked outside the pub.
- Alan and Maryanne were there to meet us.
- I took a photo of the group but in my excitement at seeing all the VWs parked over the road and getting their photo, I forgot to get one of the two Targas in front of the pub a real blond moment to say the least.
- Inside the pub it was dark but what memorabilia it had.
- There was quite a story in itself and if ever you head out that way, pop in and read a piece of history.
- Our meals were very good but I think Rogo's Pork chop topped it off. It looked like it was from a Pig the size of a horse and guess what?
- Rogo just couldn't eat it all.
- Never thought I would see that day but I did.
- While Maryanne and Alan had dessert Rogo just couldn't even contemplate it and that is not usual for Rogo - he really does like his dessert after a meal.
- After lunch we looked at the old railway station / museum / craft shop and the art gallery where a string band was entertaining some locals.
- We got the key from the dairy and were able to go into Sister Kenny's House and read all about her life working with people with Polio.
- An interesting article described how she was welcomed and given the key to a city in the United States but was hardly recognised in her home country Australia.
- It was an interesting museum dedicated to her life and all the firsts she achieved which are now being used as aids for polio victims.
- We returned the key, said our goodbyes and Pat and Rogo headed off home completing a round route.
- We headed back the same way we came with Alan and Maryanne following us till their turnoff on the Logan Highway.
- We arrived back at the Gold Coast at 5.30pm.
- It was a good travelling day, great company as always and the car went like it should with no problems.
Last updated August, 2012 |
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