Queensland P76 Owners Club Inc. 2017

Christmas gathering at Kilcoy

26th Nov, 2017

The President would like to thank the members ,wives, children and friends that came to the club Christmas party at Kilcoy.
The day was very nice, little of cloud cover and being next to the Hwy we had a few people come in and have a look.
We would like to thank Garth and family for doing a splendid job with the cooking.
Adrian show us the way to dispose of a small stove that had a gas can fire by throwing across the paddock.
(Warning about the problem with these stoves)
A good turn out of members cars and bike and dogs.
The local member was unable to attend as he was not well. His Mechanic turned up and we discussed his work on the Triumph Stag.
A non club member from Gatton came and had a look, he is chasing the backing plate of the E6 engine.

A lizid came out of the bush to inspect the vehicles.

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