Queensland P76 Owners Club Inc. 2017

Clubs Secretary son to the rescue

Andrew's Targa strandard at Sandgate

Dareen taking it easy, just so happened to have the lounge chair in the trailer on the back of my car.

Tow truck doing a recovery of the Targa before heading back to Redcliffe area.
My son Leonard was driving through Sandgate and noticed a Targa broken down near the Third Lagon.
He made himself known to both parties and then rang me , luck should have it that Darren and I (Adrian) were returning home after working at Darrens house at Lawnton.
We found Andrew and Helen strandard with petrol problems.
Darren waited while I arranged a tow truck.
All is well now as the car has had the tank cleaned and treated.

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August, 2019
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