The club was invited to visit the "Private" collection of Transport and Motoring Memobillia on the Gold Coast, Queensland.
About thirty people inspected an arrange of vehicles. They included a 1901 steam car (one of five in Australia), an early Rolls Royce as well as other items like old tractors, stationary engines, motor bikes, pushbikes, apple corers etc. The owner has only been collecting full time from the 1970s. It must also be said that most of the engines and vehicles are restored and in working order. These items are sometimes seen at Motoring shows.
The club would like to thank this Gentleman for access to his pride on joy.
This is only a sample of the equipment on show.
Alans' Photos
Garths' photos
Members standing around a wooden bowl trying to work out what the rotary paddel inside the bowl did.
Steam car over 100 years old
Words of wisdom
Being shown an Apple peeler and decorer
Adrian selection
When you had to cut the timber for the fire, not so much back ache. A sawing mechanism.
Apple corer/peeler and corn husking devices.
Mower blade sharper
Signs on the wall.
As I get further pictures I will enlarge the collection.